
Sarah Spear Cooke                    

Dr. Cooke has 15 years of experience in wetlands ecological research and environmental consulting along with 20 years of experience in ecological and geological research in the Pacific Northwest. She specializes in wetland creation, restoration and enhancement projects, both in design and implementation. She excels in permitting assistance on the local, state, and national level. She has conducted scientific research on wetland ecosystems for the Puget Sound Wetland and Stormwater Management Manual. Dr. Cooke's expertise includes wetland inventories, delineation and mitigation designs, baseline studies, monitoring programs, rare plant surveys, soil assessments, watershed analysis, vegetation mapping, and environmental assessments in the region. She has considerable experience in developing assessment methodologies, classroom instruction of wetlands ecology, delineation protocols, hydric soils, and wetland plant identification; managing multidisciplinary teams; marketing, designing and executing wetlands research, creation, and monitoring programs; supervising subcontractors, and generating reports and scientific papers.

She is the former instructor for the Wetland Certification Program at the University of Washington. She is also the author/editor of A Field Guide to the Common Wetland Plants of Western Washington & Northwestern Oregon and co-author of Wetlands and Urbanization: Implications for the Future.


Wetlands creation, restoration, enhancement, design and implementation
Regulatory and permitting assistance, on local, state and national levels
Wetlands delineation and delineation methodology instruction Integrated pest management and weed control plans
Wetland Functional Evaluation, including the "SAM" method and a botanical expert on the development of the State wetland manual
Doctorate in Botany, specializing in wetland plants and author/editor A Field Guide to the Common Wetland Plants of Western Washington & Northwestern Oregon, published by the Seattle Audubon Society
Certified soil scientist (hydric soils), soils mapping and classification
Watershed analysis
Remote sensing applications in ecology Mine reclamation ecology and uplands restoration

Last Modified 12/11/07